Renew your NWTF membership for $35 and receive the Retro Camo Gun Sleeve for an additional $10! In addition to receiving the retro camo gun sleeve, you will also receive a one-year NWTF membership including all other exclusive benefits:
- 6 issues of Turkey Call magazine, your resource for all things wild turkey, conservation and the outdoor lifestyle designed to inspire Healthy Habitats. Healthy Harvests.
- NWTF membership card and decal
- Free admission to the NWTF Convention and Sport Show
- Member discounts on the best outdoor gear and everyday goods and services
- NWTF Hunt Club Insurance
- Ability to honor your harvest in the NWTF’s Wild Turkey Records Program
- Invitations to NWTF events, auctions and banquets
- Discounts on seed products
- And more!
More Details On The iconic Retro Camo Gun Sleeve:
Our limited edition retro camo gun sleeve features an iconic retro camo pattern featuring the five wild turkey subspecies and ocellated turkey drawn by award-winning artist David Maass and former NWTF CEO Rob Keck - both of whom were instrumental in designing the original pattern with Bob Allen in the mid 1980's.
The National Wild Turkey Federation, David Maass, Rob Keck and the Bob Allen Company have collaborated with Boyt Harness to bring this legendary throwback pattern for a very exclusive offer.